Hey There Blondie...
A beautiful space intended to inspire, motivate,
and brighten your day.
Thank you for stopping by my blog Hey There Blondie. My name is Camber middle name Lynn. I like to go by Camberlynn. I'm originally from Wisconsin, currently living in Colorado. The past few years of life have been wild and I wouldn't change it for anything.
I've started traveling, became vegan, found a passion for freelance modeling, and have found my better half! I love to be inspired and I want to share the amazing things in life I find inspiring, that's why I started making blogs in the first place. You know that feeling when your scrolling along and you see a picture or a video and it literally makes you feel an emotion, maybe many and you just can't help but smile or cry, or get excited?
I want people to FEEL something. Feel happy, inspired, hopeful. We should all be doing whatever it is we want to be doing without be judged or categorized. It's all about inspiration, so start putting out some good vibes ~