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Fit Tea

Fit tea wrap

The other day I posted a picture of myself on Facebook using a Fit Tea Wrap. There were a few people who didn't know why I was using it or what it even was. I had people say it doesn't work because they had tried similar ones, or that it just hadn't worked for them personally. I want to start off by saying what works for one person might not work for everyone else. This doesn't mean the product doesn't work or it sucks it just means maybe it didn't work as you expected or wanted. Being a blogger and a vegan I love to explore new natural and organic products. This has nothing to do with marketing myself or being paid ( I do not make money off this), but everything to do with trying new things :) I do not expect you to go out and by Fit Tea Wraps because I did. This is my opinion about the product and you are welcome to feel differently.

This was the first time using a Fit Tea Wrap and I honestly think you would have to use it multiple times to see results, it's not something that changes your body over night. We should be eating clean and exercising regularly regardless but hey it's not for everyone. Fit Tea Wraps contain Cocoa, Seaweed, Green Tea, and Hawthorn Berry extracts proven to tighten and firm skin. Your first time you are only suppose to use one for up to a half hour just to see how your skin reacts. My first experience was not bad at all I would definitely order them again I can see how there could be results over time, all of those ingredients are so good for you! I also plan to try the Fit Tea 14 day detox, once I do I will for sure write about it :)

Here is a link off Amazon for the Fit Tea Wrap I used. Click on the link and have it delivered right to your doorstep ;)

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