It's been a while since I wrote a blog, in fact I haven't written anything since last year. I spent the last few months of 2017 packing up my apartment and selling everything I own to get ready for a five month trip to Southeast Asia!! This process went a lot smoother than expected and I couldn't be more

pleased with how the new year is turning out and its only three days in. December 28th was our official last day in Colorado.
The next morning my boyfriend and I woke up at about five and made the fifteen hour drive to Texas to stay with my sister the two weeks leading up to our trip to Bali. I haven't spent a new years with my sister in almost eight years so you could say I was excited. The drive down was a long but nothing I'm not used to so it went by fairy fast. Most of the time I drive nineteen hours to Wisconsin by myself so to have someone to switch off with was life changing. We got in late Friday night with plenty of time to rest up for new years.
My sister and I got sparkly dresses from Charlotte Russe and prepared for a fun care free night out with our boyfriends. This was my first time in Texas and apparently when its twenty degrees outside most places shut down? Being from Wisconsin we were a little confused but weren't gong to let this ruin our night. Luckily for us my sisters boyfriend knows some people and they invited us in to drink with them even though the place was closed. We started the night off there with margaritas and ended it with shots of tequila at the place next door. I did have a day and a half hang over but all was worth it.
Most people have already set a new years resolution or a goal they want to stick with. I have simply decided to be more present in the moment and not look to the future or the past. We as humans do this all too much and sometimes don't even realize we are doing it. Along with being more aware of the present moment I'm also going to wake up each morning and list off twenty things I am grateful for before I even leave my bed.

I'm not necessarily looking at this as a goal or a deadline but more of an intention of positivity and gratitude released out to the universe each day. I am so thankful to be spending this time with my sister in Texas and am so excited for Southeast Asia and the year to come! 2018 is surely to be my most adventurous year to date but who knows what the next year has in store. ~Present Moment~
~ Camberlynn